Heyo, KageKMB here. Another week of hard work, exciting stuff.
Project Bit Beak
At the start of this year I was working on a project called Break Beak. The idea was to get a series of toys made that were bundled with a DS-era inspired platformer. People liked the concept - but finding a business partner wasn’t working out.
We want to get the idea out there in some way, so we’re building a pixel art version, dubbed Project Bit Beak. The Break Beak pitch had an alpha build, and some work could be reused for Bit Beak - but a lot got overhauled for optimization (details I’ll elaborate on next week).
Release Model for Bit Beak is to drop a free browser version, and a paid download version. Download version with have exclusive additional content, as well as free updated funded by sales (the more people who want more, the more we'll add. the money gives us a budget and shows demand).
Space Girls Can’t Swim
The name of the visual novel we’ve been working on. Assets including the script are mostly finished, with tweaks being made before building it out in the game engine. The game is being built in Godot (like all our titles), using the Dialogic addon as well as a good chunk of custom tools.
The Future of Greedy Goblins
We’re interested in expanding the browser game it into a full title. Problem is, we don’t quite know the best way to go about getting it made (funding, marketing, building a dev team, etc).
We have a forum thread asking about this - if you have any suggestions, resources you can recommend or even want to reach out for collaboration; let us know.
We’ve been hard at work trying to set CubePunks up in 2024 to be predominantly focused on comics and games. We have a plan for multiple one-shot and a limited series are planned out. Some are releasing as stand alone books, but we have tie-ins with the games as well (such as the platformer game).
Had to show some restraint this update so we don't say too much too soon - but going into 2024 CubePunks is going to be drop some real bangers.