5/1/2024 CubePunks Updates
Game Progress - Break Beak
While @Kai-El-Jefe Is making progress on character animations.
@KageKMB is designing the levels. Goal is to get all maps playable, and then refined after playtest feedback.
If you're interested in said play-tests: follow us here and Twitter to not miss the announcement on how to get in + when it goes live.
We want to get the presentation and assets further along before we put it in other people's hands or edit together gameplay trailers. Game has most of it's features, but needs some bugtest and presentation (its an ugly boy).
Pico Day NJ
KageKMB bought a ticket and is going. Get yours here so you can harass him IRL for the secret NSFW account everyone assumes we have (we're too busy making games, we don't have time for one lol).