Our next game is a a bit of a ways our before release so we took the time to set up a tool so consistent content drips will be happening on our social between games. The primary format of our post will be artwork - given we both draw in sketchbooks constantly and it takes minimal attention from the game projects.
On NG we add CubePunks in the credits but upload under the artist's individual post. So follow @KageKMB and @kai-el-jefe if you don't want to miss a thing.
Our DeviantART is brand new so to play catch up to the other platforms older works are going to be added more frequently than the Bi-weekly schedule most other platforms are scheduled to follow.
Due to Twitter following the modern social media model of "it has to be persistent activity or it might as well be no activity" - you'll see an unorganized array of completed artwork, work in progresses as well as completed works - along post related towards our games.
We do have a Ko-Fi account which is also synced up to the whole shabang. BTW - any donations will currently be used to helping with Break Beak's production.
We've been prototyping a Jerry figure- designed to be printed as a single piece, or in parts and assembled like a model kit.
Break Beak is making progress - @KageKMB is doing level design while @kai-el-jefe is working on the final assets.