The game's coding is complete - it's all art asset generation and integration. Twitter is the best spot to keep up to date on progress, but the rundown goes...
- CORE GAMEPLAY: 100% there but has placeholder assets over it
- MODES: arcade and story will be available at launch, 2 additional modes are planned to be will be added in an update
- CHARACTER MODELS: All molded, all rigged, but require minor adjustments and tweaks
- CHARACTER ANIMATIONS: In progress, not integrated in-game
- MUSIC: writer, integrated, but not final mixes or masters
- SOUNDS: working on that next
- ENVIRONMENTS: No progress
- MENUS: Layouts and functionality, but no final fonts or buttons
- HUD: Same state and menu
It's not going to release this month sadly, will aim for next. Even with the "hard part" out of the way, I don't want to phone the last bit in.
Heads up, it's a short game, and simple if you compare it to consoles. But I do think it's a fun play, my favorite game I've made so far.